Lip Correction

Lip Correction

At Lip Correction, we offer a complete solution to help you achieve your ideal lip appearance. Our process begins with a detailed consultation, followed by the use of a dissolver to create a clean foundation for your lip enhancement journey. We then develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique goals, ensuring that you receive the best possible results.

What's the anticipated number of sessions required?

The anticipated number of sessions required for dissolving lip filler will depend on factors such as the amount of filler being dissolved and how your body responds to the dissolving agent. Since everyone's body reacts differently, it's challenging to predict an exact number of sessions needed. Typically, treatments are scheduled 1-2 weeks apart, and multiple sessions may be necessary to achieve your desired results. Your healthcare provider will assess your progress and adjust the treatment plan accordingly to meet your goals effectively.

What can you anticipate following your treatment?

Lip filler dissolving treatment typically entails minimal side-effects. It's common to encounter temporary swelling in the treated area, which usually subsides within a few days. Additionally, bruising may occur due to the injection process.

Post-treatment Guidelines:

Post-dermal filler dissolving injections, it's advisable to adhere to the following precautions until the day after the procedure:

● Refrain from applying makeup
● Avoid placing pressure on your face while lying down (endeavor to sleep on your back)
● Avoid medications or supplements that may increase bleeding and interfere with healing, such as aspirin and fish oil.

During the initial 24-hour period following dermal filler dissolving, it's recommended to steer clear of:

● Strenuous physical activity
● Excessive alcohol consumption
● Smoking

Who might not be ideal candidates for this treatment?

Prior to removing your lip filler, your healthcare provider will inquire about any allergies, particularly to bee venom. If you've had a previous allergic reaction to a bee sting, undergoing hyaluronidase injections poses a risk of triggering an extreme allergic response known as anaphylaxis.